Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012


1.                Ideology savvy as Ideology Of State

Contained pancasila point in it constitute divinity points, kemabusiaan, association, populist, and justice.
pancasila's points as source of points for human Indonesian deep going nation life and gets state, fathom a meaning referenced source in saleable sandbank and acting deep menetukan and arranges order manner live nation and get state.
pancasila's point thus becomes ideology that don't be created by states, but is dug up from moral spiritual wealth asset and cultural alone Indonesian society.
As ideology that doesn't be created by state makes pancasila as ideology also constitute Indonesia source and covers mystical atmosphere of –undang's invite assesses so pancasila constitutes spirituality hope for hukum 's order Indonesian and covers mystical atmosphere of constitution 1945 one rolled out render law aspiration for jurisdictional base state.

2.    The importance for Ideology for a nation and state (Ideology function)

dimaknai's ideology sebagai  all view, citap is goal, point, and confidence that wants to be rendered deep fact lives reality. Ideology in artian this indispensable, since is looked on can arouse awareness of independence, giving instruction about therewith content the world it, and imbeds spirit in society struggle for moving buck colonization, one that succeeding renders deep state promoter life.
The importance for ideology for a state also looked of its function. Adapaun is function idelogi is as follows:
1.    Forming id or group or nation characteristic
2.    Uniting humanity
3.    Uniting person of a variety religion
4.    Settle various discrepancy / conflict / social stress
5.    Formation solidariatas

3.    Pancasila Dengsn's Ideology compare other Ideology (liberalism ideology and idelogi is socialism)

Liberalism ideology
Socialism ideology
Pancasila's ideology
Politics (state relationship with citizen)
State as graveyard watch. People or its citizen have freedom or bertinddak any kind origin doesn't breach tats rule of law, behalf and right for diutamakn's more citizen of, on kepentingsn state
More state behalf is accentuated than citizen behalf. Freedom or dkalahkan's citizen behalf the favor state.
relationship among citizen with state is poised. Its mean is state behalf with dipetingkan's same citizen
Religion (state relationship with religion)
State doesn't have religion business. Religion becomes personal matters each its citizen. Free state citizen gets religion, but also irreligious free.
Religion life is diqoined with state. Free state citizen gets religion, at liberty irreligious and free too for propaganda anti religion.
Religion hand in glove relationship it with state. Each citizen is secured too kebebasanya to choose one of religion which admitted by government. One any one has to get religion, and doesn't be let propaganda anti religion
Education (to the effect education)
Education was directed to by development democracy
Education is led to form citizen that everlastingly pursuant or obedient on state instruction
Education is led to form responsible citizen have glory behavior and takwa to God that Mighty The Infinite Esa.
Economy (economics system)
Sisitem is economy that its management managed by market forces. This economic system wills to mark sense individeu's freedom in economic activity and commanding not interference in economic activity. Government just on call protects, look after and gives facility
This socialism economic system intent to get a the better distribution and wealth production acquisition the better. Sisitem is socialism gets that view individual prosperity just maybe attained if berpondasikan prosperity with and constitutes production factor that constitute social ownership
Sisitem is pancasila's economy consisting of umpteen principle for example gets bearing with humanitarianism principle with humanitarianism principle, economic nationalism, economic democracy that is rendered in populist and justice economy

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