Jumat, 30 November 2012


a.     Personal's comment
personal's comment is meant to determine given employee characteristic that presumed potential in reference to kejadian  working safety: (1 ) age factors; what fires an employee that gets elder age tend more safe be appealed that younger or contrariwise,  (2 ) psychological feature fire an employee as potency of hearing and tend sight concerning derajad accident fires an employee that critical, and (3 ) gnostic zooms and employee consciousness about the importance for preventions and savings of job accidents. With know that personal's marking therefore firm can predict who just employee that potential to experience job accident. Then early on firm can make ready its prevention efforts.
b.      Incentive system
Incentive that is given unto fires an employee to get as money and even career. In money form can thru do antarunit's competition about lowest working safety in kurun particular time, e.g. up to six-month once. Who that can press job until nadir accident will give penghargaan.  other Form is as opportunity of career for employees which can press job accident for her or divides employee group at its unit.
c.      Working safety training
Working safety training to fire an employee ordinary did by firm. In focus training by and large on lurching facets or jeopardies of works, order and working safety regulation, and safe and perilous work behaviour.
d.     Working safety regulation
Firm needs to have kind of guidance which contains regulation and order that menyangkut  what do get and can't be done by employee at work. Its content shall specific what do give points how a work is done cautiously to reach maximum working safety. At a swoop is worded negligence divers job who can evoke individual danger and employee and workshop group. In its performing needs to be done through monitoring, penumbuhan is discipline and action explicitting to fires an employee tend one do monotonous negligence.

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