Jumat, 30 November 2012

Zodiac and Astrology

Astrology is knowledge that links among tatasurya's object movement (planet, moon and the sun) with human fate. Since all planet, the sun and moon circulates at along circle ekliptik, they all's automatic also circulating between zodiac. Ramaalan is astrology is gone upon on tatasurya's object position in zodiacal.
Someone will sling its zodiac sign bases the sun position in zodiacal on the fifteenth its natal. E.g., person that comes into the world december startup will get Sagittarius's zodiac, Since on the fifteenth that The Sun is at rasi's region Sagittarius staring. Alone Solar position differentiated among time tropikal and sideral's time that cause exists two zodiacal kinds, which is zodiac tropikal and sideral's zodiac. Largely astrologer Westing to utilize tropikalJyotish's zodiac utilizes Error! Hyperlink reference not valid..

1. ARIES,Sheep, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 21st March – 19th April
2. TAURUS,Buffalo, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 20th April May 203.
3. CANCER,Crab, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 22nd June July 224.
4. L E O,Lion, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 23th July 23th August (31 days)
5. VIRGO,Virgin girl, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 24th August 22nd September
6. LIBRA,Timbangan, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 23th September 23th October
7. SCORPIO,Scorpion, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 24th October 22 Novembe
8. SAGITTARIUS,The Archer, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 23th November 21st December
9. CARPICORN,Oceanic goat, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 22nd December 20th January
10. AQUARIUS,Water bearer, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 21st January 19th February
11. PISCES,Fish, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to 20th February 20th March
12. GEMINI,The twins, The sun lies is in front rasi this up to May 21 June 21

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