Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


Nayla: since when sih I have perceive suspect to go to my alone girlfriend?? Whatever available my heart that ga is silent, kasian vero also kalo I smell a rat in risih dong. For me we pacaran that mutually believe each other
Vita: betah is lo pacaran's yes with patient confidence difference banget again
Nayla: vita my … it pacaran is not because patient or something, but since I same vero that mutually completes our distinctive and distinctive that is that bands to love we hehehe
Vita: hmmmm starts deh's old lo's language hahahha yeah
Nayla: eh is sih's old shuttlecock?? Loh emang bener is hahaha's cannikin therefore it looks for neng betah's girlfriend tremendously lo jomblo
Vita: my heloooow jomblo is not its meaning ga in demand yeah but I am certain God have given couple for I wait hahahha
Nayla: lo deh kayaknya's lingual elder hahaha yeah
Caprice atmosphere laughs vita and nayla appears while lunch with, And suddenly abrupt vero available at the elbow nayla, naylapun surprises available vero comes her menyusuli while lunches
Vero: haiii is darling (while kisses khening nayla) haii vita..
Vita: haii veroooo 

Nayla: hi you loh tumben's shuttlecock wants here ga ngabarin I before??
Vero: surprise dong's yes I want to ask out you issue eat our version evening
Nayla: evening eating?? our version?? There is available aja you ah
Vero: loh emang bener I want to ask out you version evening eating our yeah secured by deh's romantic
Vita: ohhhh so sweet deh you cause aja hehehe's envy
Nayla: vero whats sih shy ihh's tofu you mah
Vita: yaelahhh lo nay with pake's alone girlfriend cattish usually also maluin lo hahaha
piss yaudah gih there my following road tells lo's boss permit comes out okay
Vero: thanks is vit's yes I kidnap before nih the nayla hehe
Upon arrival its at one vero's mosque stops at one mosque front …
Nayla: your vero ngapain takes I here?? Engga ngerti deh
Vero: you believe couple??
Nayla: dong's believe believes banget!!
Vero: if we my couple you and family we that bersanding will over there (while points kea rah that mosque)
Nayla: your intention??
Vero: darling (while holding both of nayla's cheek) if our following a while at foredoom to with me must will come on you
Nayla: vero scores of times cannikin I tell you don't argue your oldster talk
Vero: nayla.. cannikin I tell if we couple me and you will this at one's post I don't intend to intention argue my mamma verbal. iya's term I defy the will
Nayla: iya I understand to mean you, But if we are not couple??
Vero: you are sincere undone I?? Whatever available me ga will sincere apart of you
Nayla: hmm apparently in here difference dot that actually happens from the beginning I was trusting if love that band all distinctive but until this second I have found end point and in here dot which we shall find.
Next day it … .
While is nayla want departs to office Suddenly vita and robust visit nayla's house,
Nayla: ciyeeee is coming it that barengan gini nih can to my house derived hahaha udah you yeah
Vita: nay nay I have news for lo previously that (and suddenly vita at pulls by robust)
Robust: hehehe engga nay, don't dengerin the vita hehe
Nayla: bentar … bentar you what is on sih actually?? Suddenly comes my ngerusuh ga ngerti
Vita: apology yes gases I that bener bener shall love know this problem same nayla at all costs nayla my best friend cannikin
Robust: but vero's cannikin also my best friend
Nayla: sit out … wait vero?? There is relationship it with vero kah??
Vita: so gini nay, previously me ga's ala deliberate hear robust talk with vero passes telf apparently which vero's time goes that she at mating by oldster second it
Nayla: what?? Lo again becanda cannikin?? Ga jokes ah udah deh udah noon wants late we to its office available available aja deh ah hahahha
Vita: kalo lo ga believes to direct Ask aja goes to robust
Nayla: beneran gases??
Robust: apology is nay yeah previous I actually ga may this problem story same lo lets alone vero its following one direct story with lo
Nayla: so beneran what does time suddenly vero goes that apparently she at mating with other woman??? Well I that ketemu vero shall today also
Robust: was late nay!! Today vero will get married by candidate that chosen by its oldster, actually vero wants direct ngomong with lo but she udah ga there is time again
Nayla: this what again?? previously me denger vero's story at mating and now today also she will get married?? as nighted as dream my what sih?? (nayla's speaking tone aloud in tears)
Vita: patient nay it may clear a root one real make lo. lo shall of course attitude for to the fore it
Nayla: robust okeh love knows I where present vero
Robust: but nay, I ga love may know vero's existence with lo
Nayla: vero's count SNEAKY PERSON!!! She with aja lurking dorsal situation, I ga ngerti her shuttlecock ga mikirin my feel all this time
Vita: yeah patient nay, I here there is for lo (while hugs nayla)
Robust: vero is at its house!!
Without platitude nayla,vita and robust visit vero's house, upon arrival its at vero's house apparently home vero sepi and vero is family therewith it was hastening goes to place something..
Upon arrival its at that place is looked vero chromatic cladding turns white and rapih, suddenly sees nayla veropun to surprise besides while nayla calls its name
Nayla: vero!!!!!!!
Vero: drawing near nayla and says nay, maafin I gatau if apparently keadaanya as it
Nayla: sssttttt (and suddenly nayla hugs vero) I won't blame situation, one that for me little bit rather disappointed why you don't tell direct with me?? why I shall hear from your friend??
Vero: just that nots I want to make you nay's downcast, I know I my offense sneaky person face this fact
Nayla: if it really that the infinite gives to clear a root to us i am I sincere following am happy although be in fact you don't with me
Vero: but honest nay I not love it, I love you I willinging to cancel this nuptials for you
Nayla: engga vero!! You shall accept fact and studying to love person that love you all right all these as memory which are beautiful at all costs before you have once are at my heart
Vero: well I will try to accept fact and mengikhlas is cannikin all one happens. You go home yeah don't go on available in here I do not want you are plus its following hurt
Nayla: engga vero I come on I will be deponent live at your nuptials walalupun that is not with me.
Vero: but nay???
Vita and robust is behind nayla's position and vero they come on are sad witness that instance vita tries to enforce nayla's heart.
Upon arrival its in nayla's nuptials event witnesses all of startup event can't at lies if really nayla is sad once witness someone nuptials that really she loves with other woman, visually of both of nayla's eye goes on to drop tear and besides benefit nayla appears available vita grips hand in glove hand nayla helps nayla for strong. Inwardly nayla converses “ its love that enforces I who make to withstand devout constant am here ”
“You is my sweetest thing baby's acre, you is candle light's acre i. i. believe its you now know its you ”
Base her story on only composition story that most passes by at my cerebration. Just briefs partly story about that its different name confidence which all this time I there are many hear story of vicinity men. There are many that dates different honest confidence comprise I all this time most date by that different confidence. Depend from us it can take in self gets to final ladder or just get bounds at band dates.
For me what do its name variably that confidence not incorrect we really never know that formerly date long time and suddenly don't couple or on the contrary contrariwise available one unite?? passed by has once bethought to have dream can mutually have to the last life but what energi story upon makes they part are not because death which come to pieces but since God have given couple any other for it,  she that strong she who shall willing undone. hehehe enjoy ur life guys *kiss!

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