Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


Some day gab happening among my with a senior at campus, while am I be still at college stool. At that talk, my senior criticize college student friend behaviours activist missionize that fond subdue its view while converses by type foe. My senior says, "Allegedly looks after hijab … One needs dihijab heart cannikin. Although doesn't see but its heart plays, cannikin all the same deceit. More kindhearted which dihijab." Such a approximately.
mangut mangut's that time. That expression is heard logical.
How long then at one pengajian, heard by criticism of a pengajian's member (she is senior the other) to activists missionizes campus that trifles hijab. "They tell ghodul qulub (looking after heart) more essential, then trifles ghodul bashor (looking after view). Eventually that right ghodul bashor ilaa ghodul qulub (looking after view to look after heart). View guard before for then heart guard!"
Nah lho my … termangut mangut again. Which that right?
One that is on the market by first senior be custody that directly at its center: heart, than bothers to look after view. But terminologicals senior both of, it is impossible look after heart if not looks after pandangan. 
In as much as which we can look after heart? One that is on the market by first senior be us control direct our own heart. Its question, can kah we control or restrain our heart?
That heart condition restrains us, as clear as day its theorem. “Know that in this body available one blood clot. If one blood clot that good, therefore good too all its organ. And if one blood clot that bad, therefore bad too all its organ. One blood clot that I mean am heart.” (Hadis is Al Bukhari's History) 
Then, once more, in as much as what conducts we to heart?
At Al's letter sentence Attack 24, God swt decrees, "…know that sooth God draw the line among man and its heart and in fact to your His will be gathered." Fathom a meaning is God that gain control heart a slave.
In hadits Ahmad's history and Ibnu Is Syaibah's Ash, Aisya rha., say, “SAW'S prophet often prays by saying, ‘Wahai is The Infinite that membolak reverses heart, teguhkanlah is my heart to ever be act up to Mu. ’ Me have once asked, ‘Rasulullah's yes, why are You Are frequent pray by use of such a invocation? What are You are perceiving fear?’ Beliau answers, ‘No that makes me to feel secure, hi Aisyah. Exhaustive heart serves it lies between finger God That Mighty Force. If wants to reverse heart its slave a, God stay to reverse it pitches upon ’”
Of sentence and hadits up the stairs, as clear as day that heart a slave available on God's power swt.
While are we command to look after heart, therefore we are commanded to don't dirty heart. Its mess is heart is because immoral. Immoral that we do as stained as imbricate our heart. "Not nearly (such), actually what do always they labour that their heart mantle." (Al Muthofifin: 83)
Enclosed heart stained this immoral wills be sick heart, even gets opportunity as heart which die. With istighfar and taubatlah is imbricate blot heart can be cleared.
Then one comprises immoral is see things that prohibitted by God for look. "Say to devout male person: “Want them bate its view, and pets its privates; the said so is holier on their behalf, most verily God Mighty Know what do they build ”. Say to devout woman: “Want them bate its view, and pets its privates ”" (QS. An Nuur: 30 - 31).
In consequence, I perceive senior statement secondly more correct: ghodul bashor ilaa ghodul quluub (looking after view to look after heart). How come we look after heart are indera temporary we were let to get immoral?
Man has no to direct control to its heart. God that have direct control. God can reverse heart a slave, of spirit for prays then its heart be not in a state mood for prays, or futur's terminology. That is why Rasulullah Saw prays that Allah establishes its heart on obedience, no until God reverse its heart on to are not taatan.
One that is expected is while lie on it saturated term, constant someone lies deep sunnah Rasulullah saw. “Each deed available its spirit term, and spirit term available it saturated term. Barangsiapa is its saturation looks back over sunnahku her matter was blissful, and barangsiapa what does saturation it not takes in she to is such therefore she have perished.” (HR. Ahmad, Shahih At Targhib's see
Conduct man to diperantarai's heart by conduct that it do. Man can't directly clear its heart, but it beforehand gets to do taubat and obedience that perfects taubatnya. 
Most shuffles through it heart of men available its correlation with charitable the one endeavors. keimanan that increases and dwindling. Crescent because obedience, dwindling because immorality. Faith that goes down / dwindling get implication on someones saturated situation. That saturation can begin from immorality that it do. And someone spirit situation happens which its faith scorpion ascending or crescent. That thing diletupkan by obedience that it perbuat. 
Therefore, that Allah everlastingly memposisikan its heart on is ardour pray, a slave has to get effort looks after its obedience and look after inderanya to doesn't get immoral to God so its clear heart. If don't, God will reverse its heart because its heart infested by immoral blots.
Spite, riya ’, and grudge, and other liver disease that nest on our heart actually pass our indera beforehand. Which is begins from think trajectory. God still to had mercy up this think trajectory. But shortly takes shelter to God of liver disease and bertaubatlah of liver disease already nest overshoot.
Rasulullah shallallahu  alaihi wa sallam states: God had mercy up from my people to what do be still most pass by at inwardly they (Hadits Shahih, Irwaa  al Ghalil VII / 139 numbers 2026)
Usually temptation wants to be praised by charitable afters appearance sholeh. If we quick come to consciousness, therefore that think won't precipitate at heart. So even with dislike or evil eyed to others, get shortly take shelter to God while were passed by by that think first time. If is slowed, that disease will nest. And that disease won't nests otherwise on environment that enables to live, which is heart which dirties and get disease because immorality to God swt. And that think trajectory is alone won't be easily enkindled but of collect thoughts that sick, one that begat by sick heart.
If that think excessively passes by, bermuhasabahlah. Worried our heart have become disease den. If correctness, therefore soon bertaubat.
Look after indera our of gets immoral to God, that our heart most keep clean it.
Allahu ’ bish's nature showab. 

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